Q&A - Baby's Edition

  • The baby refuses to drink expressed breastmilk in a bottle

    The baby refuses to drink expressed breastmilk in a bottle

    Let your baby drink bottled milk the same way he drinks breastmilk Reasons and methods of coping Feeling sleepy Your baby may not be used to using a bottle especially when he is sleepy or shortly after he wakes up. Method of coping: Give your baby milk after he is fully awake.Give your baby milk after he has woken up and is ready to drink. Your baby may not latch...

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  • The breastfeeding period is too short or too long

    The breastfeeding period is too short or too long

    Make enough time to enjoy the breastfeeding period. You may give your baby milk 8-10 times a day when you breastfeed her. Newborn babies may drink breastmilk as often as 12 times a day. Each breastfeeding period ranges from 10 to 30 minutes. Sometimes there are 10-minute breastfeeding sessions 3-4 times close together and sometimes your baby drinks milk for 20-30 minutes and then sleeps for 5-6 hours. It may...

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  • Vomiting breastmilk

    Vomiting breastmilk

    It's not uncommon for babies to vomit It's not rare uncommon for babies to vomit after breastfeeding. In most cases, it's not a sign of illness. Your baby's immature stomach differs in form from that of an adult. Also, because the sphincter at the stomach entrance is still undeveloped, your baby often vomits when he burps. Your baby may stop vomiting automatically within 12-18 months after birth.To prevent your baby...

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  • When jaundice appears

    When jaundice appears

    Breastfeeding soon after birth is the key! It’s common for babies to have yellowish skin during the first week after birth. The baby’s liver is still undeveloped, and this can lead to jaundice. It usually appears 2 or 3 days after birth, and disappears at around 10 days after birth. Medical treatment is necessary only if the jaundice continues for a long time, or if the degree of jaundice is...

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